Sign-up and Get your Copyright Protection © in 176 countries

For more than 10 years, Copyright gived to thousands of creators around the world to protect their creations by dating them electronically, to prove her rights of ownership. Our technology give you a copyright proof of ownership in United Kingdom and in 176 countries. Our site have the largest number of registered copyrights, with thousands of creations registered each year. Our service includes the assistance of copyright experts as well, and give a safe storage for your proofs and documents.

Copyright Protection in 4 steps

Creation Plan
£ 42
  • 1 token for copyright protection
  • Certificate by E-mail / Secure Storage at public notary office included.
  • Secure storage of your datas 24/7
  • Private link to your certificate.
  • Digital storage
  • Dashboard for your legal datas and copyrights
  • Customer support
  • Certified by public notary
Logo Plan
£ 78
  • 1 copyright token for Logo
  • Certificate by E-mail / Secure Storage at public notary office included.
  • Secure storage of your datas 24/7
  • Private link to your certificate.
  • Digital storage
  • Dashboard for your legal datas and copyrights
  • Customer support
  • Certified by public notary
SAVE £81
£ 129
  • 5 tokens for copyright protection
  • Certificate by E-mail / Secure Storage at public notary office included.
  • Secure storage of your datas 24/7
  • Private link to your certificate.
  • Digital storage
  • Dashboard for your legal datas and copyrights
  • Customer support
  • Certified by public notary

Copyright Protection in 4 steps

Get a copyright with digital timestamping certified by public notary instantly

  • 1 Fill the form
  • 2 Choose what you want to protect
  • 3 Choose a plan
  • 4 Copyright Registration
Start your Copyright here

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If the drawing or the model has unusual aesthetic qualities, or if it is an image, text, audio or video document, it may also be protected by copyright. In this case, the Berne convention applies and the drawing or model is protected in the 176 signatory countries, then you can use our on line service to timestamp your creations in order to have a proof of Copyright, whereby each registration will be electronically dated and certified by a public notary, which will provide you with irrefutable proof in the event of legal proceedings.
The purpose of copyright is to protect intellectual creations. It gives rights to the person who created them, which allows them to increase the value of their work and to take action against forgery and unfair competition. Which creations can you protect by copyright? A report.
The onus is on the creator to prove that he is indeed the creator of the work at a certain date, especially in the event of a dispute. Indeed if another person who has stolen or plagiarised his work can show that he was in possession of it at a given time, the original creator will have no claim if he cannot for his part prove the precedence of his rights. This is why a copyright registered with a legal representative is essential. offers to carry out your copyright registrations with a public notary in an instant.
Registration with a sworn official, such as a solicitor or a public notary confers irrefutable probative value of the registration, both of the content and the date. It will be difficult to contest this proof in law. offers to carry out your copyright registration with a public notary in an instant.
Your Copyright registered with a sworn official such as a public notary will be valid in the 176 countries which have signed the Berne Convention. You can find the list of these countries at the OMPI website or on our website by clicking on the button below.